My Teacher Typography


When it comes to academic writing there are two main fonts used, Times New Roman and Arial. These fonts are all most students will know and be comfortable using; however, what fonts should be used when creating a digital graphic design such as a newsletter or business promotion Ad? This is when typography comes into play. 

    Everyone has their own type of typography, which is what can make selecting a style difficult. and even though the overall goal is to create something that is eye-catching and "aesthetic", it is important to remember to create your typography based on your audience. Are you sharing your work with just friends or potential clients? What about mixed groups such as students and their guardian(s)? This is why typography is vital to learn as a skill in the education field. By building a brand in your typography, you can appear more professional and still showcase your individualism. 

The key factors to remember when selecting your typography are:
For example, this is the typography I chose specifically for my "classroom newsletters":

Ultimately for my teaching typography, I choose Mistrully for my Headers, and Noto Serif Display ExtraC (both regular and bold), which will depend on the structure needed. I found that staying with just two fonts allows my typography to keep a simple overall appearance while maintaining enough contrast between the header, subheader, and the body of my work. 

I hope this post helps guide you into finding your best-fitting typography! I am also including a Beginner Video on how to pick your very own typography style.

Until next time!

À bientôt!

-Renee Brady


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