Teacher Selfie Time
Not everyone wants to go to a professional photographer either for their teacher photograph, which leaves us to the "Teacher Selfie". This is a photograph one takes with either a camera with a timer on it or more commonly a cellphone. How does one prepare for a teacher selfie and what does one wear? And what if you are someone who does not enjoy taking photographs of yourself? While trying to plan my own photo, I had to prepare myself in several ways, and in the process, I learned a few helpful tips:
1. Make sure you have adequate light. Whether this light is from natural sunlight or an added source such as a ring light, the light should be at an angle from you. This prevents shadows or squinted eyes.
2. Have a neutral color background that is minimal or blurred. You want to be the main focus in the photograph, not what is behind you.
3. Smile in a way that makes you feel confident. If that means a candid laughing photo, go for it! If you are more comfortable smiling without showing your teeth, that is okay too. The main thing to remember is don't fake it, smile for real.
4. Wear something simple and professional. Not your favorite band tee-shirt, or a workout sports shirt. And don't match your background!
5. Don't be afraid of props, just don't let them be a distraction.
For me, some of these tips took some time, and prior to my little in-home photoshoot, I did not think much of how to take these photographs. If I could go back I would do a bit more research into how to get better angles. I struggled at getting a decent angle on my own. I would have also planned my outfit prior to taking the photos, instead of deciding in the middle of the shoot to go with a different shirt that was less bold.
After taking about a dozen or so photographs, I went through and found the one I felt shared my passion for reading [I am studying to be and Language Arts teacher afterall], but also showed a professional demeanor. I added some editing with the contrast, highlights, and brightness because it enhanced the photo and did not take anything away, which is another tip, don't be afraid to enhance your photographs but don't hide in them either.
So... What photograph did I go with? For me, I chose the one I took with some of my favorite books. I felt this photo showed my personality and passion for a variety of novels. I also wanted one that followed the tips that I shared earlier. Without going on any longer, here is my "teacher selfie"
I love your teacher photo :) Thanks for sharing those tips! I especially like tip 3: Smile in a way that makes you feel confident. I always feel awkward and struggle to smile naturally when taking photos. I learned that you could take a deep breath and hold it, release once the photo is taken. It makes you look more energetic and confident. I'd try next time.