EME2040: A Look Back

 We are down to the last four weeks of the Spring semester and it feels wild. There have been so many new experiences and highlights from each class (there have also been numerous tears, but that is pretty much my standard quo). As mentioned in my first post here, this semester I enrolled in EME2040, which is a technology in education course. This class was in person for me, which I did find useful. My professor has been a joy to get to know and provided insightful feedback both online and in person. I personally learn best through hands-on learning, which this class primarily is. We covered a variety of resources available to teachers and current events teachers are facing in their classrooms. If I were ever brave enough to teach this class, the only thing I would change would be the group wiki page assignment (yes I'm still going on about that one). To me, it was not nearly as beneficial as other assignments and it was one that if continued, could use some adjuments, such as an alternative resource.

    One of the most beneficial aspects of this class was learning about OERs (Online Educational Resources). OERs are resources available to anyone online and have helped numerous communities and individuals, especially those of lower-income who cannot provide/purchase classroom resources such as textbooks. These resources are provided for free and help lower one's environmental impact as well, as they are completely online. One needs to be aware of CC laws however when it comes to some OERs. I personally enjoyed using OER Commons because the site provides resources for multiple states, grades, and subjects.

    Prior to spring break, we created individual PowerPoints for informational dissemination of our choice. This assignment was interesting and got me more familiar with PowerPoint. I chose to write mine about creating a story, which I thought would be useful for future classroom work. I think this could also be an enjoyable assignment in my classroom for students, plus it's a great way to get to know what interest your students. I had some previous experience with PowerPoint, so the majority of the assignment was not difficult for me, however, one element I missed and was unable to figure out in time was the "Master Slide" feature. This is something I'm currently working on to improve and learn on, but I was unable to get it down in time for the assignment's due date. I will not bore y'all with the entire presentation, but I will show my title page

After this post, there may be only one or two more until I decide to write more as a teacher, but to anyone reading, thank you.

Until next time!

À bientôt!

-Renee Brady


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